Monday, November 16, 2009

"Criticised Bow" of Obama

I've just read an article of Obama's visit to Japan, his diplomatic gesture caused fire in the US reader for Obama's bowing to Japanese Emperor.

In the detail, the US president was recorded in the picture by a photographer. In the photo, it shows that he bowed under 90 degree angle when he greeted the relatively diminutive Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko at the Imperial Palace on Saturday. This is second time, Obama bends over to national deligators. Last time was to King Abdulah of Saudi Arabia in G20 summit.
For critics, this action expresses that the US president belittles the power and the independence of the United State. Also, many bloggers went against this gesture of the President.

For me, the President's bow shows his respect to Japanese emperor, however, his action is overacting which causes controversial arguments among public. So in your opinion, what do you think of it?


  1. when people have high positions, esp presidents or candidate of a nation are always a target of audience's eyes. It is unavoidable! Sensitivity to such situation and appropriate action will diminish the possibility of falling in a trap!

  2. There is nothing wrong with Obama bowing with the Japanese emperor Akihito now that we are in a globalized community where all are treated with equality. This gesture actually shows President Obama in humble stance and not to be misinterpreted as anything.

    One can use the representation of a 'ripe rice'. A 'ripe rice' especially those ready for harvest tends to 'bow' more as its heavy clusters or panacles of ripe grain are so heavy that they hang over at the top of the plant. This shows that as one person 'ripens' as in a 'ripe rice' he/ she is humbled even more, an act that shows President Obama's wisdom and greatness in our time.

    Kudos to your blog Tom! Hope you have more entries to come =)
