Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Window 7 ver is best ?

Window 7 is hitting the software market and promote the increasing sale of laptop integrated with this operating system version. Microsoft let millions of consumers and professionals download test versions of the operating system. And by a wide margin, testers have found the new system to be the best yet from Microsoft However, there are still some different conception about this product. I would like to share seven collected points. Hopefully, that give you deeper knowledge and you can come up your own opinion about it.

1. It is only a minor update to Vista: There is some truth with Win 7. Vista was a massive effort to upgrade the core of Windows focusing on the edges of Vista, it looks very pretty. But Microsoft went further, adding consumer-friendly functions to paint Windows 7 as an upgrade.
2. Vista users need to upgrade
3. Window Xp is kind of better for some one
4. Window Xp users can't upgrade
5. It's too expensive
6. The initial release will be a mess
7. Mac users should abandon Apple

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